The optical attenuators OAFP-S (OAFP-M), OAGP-S (OAGP-M) are designed to attenuate laser radiation with more than 1:10^3 ratio. The OAFP model comprises a thin zero-order half-wave phaseplate and two mirror polarizers that select the input pulse according to polarization. This model has been specially developed for pulsed femtosecond radiation (<50 fs) as it introduces as little dispersion to the pulse as possible. For longer pulse durations we offer the OAGP model, which has better transmission ratio as a Glan prism is used to simplify the scheme.
The attenuator comes in manual (-M) or motorized (-S) modification with USB interface and controller.
OAFP model optimized for <50 fs pulses *
Smooth power attenuation *
Simple adjustment and operation *
USB-motorized option *
- Controlled variable laser beam attenuation
Eachwave Scientific Instrument Co., LTD
Add: 3F-302,Focus Innovation Park,Yuanjiang Road No.3599,Minhang District,Shanghai P.R.C (201108)
Tel: 021-62209657
Fax: 021-54843093